The description of the chronological life of Ban Gu records his legendary life and is convenient for people to learn something about ban gu, history of Han Dynasty and descriptive accounts of books in dynastic histories. 班固年谱记录了谱主具有传奇色彩的一生,为人们了解班固、《汉书》及《艺文志》提供了依据。
In the history of Chinas traditional thought, Mencius is the first person who accounts his values in life systematically. 他认为,人具有普遍而先验的道德本性,人生的价值在于通过自我的道德完善成就理想人格。
He particularly remembers a lecture on the history of Chinese music which, he said, referred to ancient scripts rather than secondary accounts written in modern books. 他尤其记得中乐历史那一课。他说:我们研习的,是古代文献,而非现代著作的二手材料。
About research method of this article, besides persists the traditional fine arts history the research method, but also used the method of oral historical to collect the essential research material, at the same time paid attention accounts orally the material and the literature comparison. 关于本文的研究方法,除坚持传统美术史学的研究方法外,还采用了口述历史的方法来收集必要的研究资料,同时注意口述材料与文献的对照。
Because it records history and includes the authenticity of the rich content of the accounts, coupled with the unique poems concise, subtle artistry. So it arouses the enthusiasm of the scholars. 《诗经》以其记载历史的真实性和记述内容的丰富性,加之诗歌特有的简洁、凝练、含蓄的艺术性,激发了历代学者的研究热情。
This paper seeks to right the history of Ningbo banking house to make a completely new interpretation of the characteristics from Ningbo banking house had the most research into the accounts system to demonstrate the local commercial banks, benchmark, that is, Ningbo banking house. 本文力图对宁波钱庄的历史作一个全新的解读,从宁波钱庄最具特点的过帐制度研究入手,论证本土商业银行的标杆,就是宁波钱庄。
Since ancient times, is to rely on human labor to maintain their livelihood, the labor history of human society is a society., in which labor accounts for an important position in society, employment, but the basic thing is achieved through labor. 自古以来,人类就是靠劳动来维持生计,人类社会是一部劳动史的社会。劳动在社会中占重要地位,就业乃是民生之本,它是通过劳动来实现的。